
segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011

When I look at you...

My eyes are tired as if I was 70

My heart is hard as if I had ate a stone, and this is growing

My mind can not think in anything more

What else may I do?


 - Please, now promisse me somethin'??

 - Yes, sure. What is??

 - That you will never betray me...

 - Yes! of course I promisse...

(Later..."some days after"..)

 - What? Why? do you remember that you promisse me?!

- I know, but...

 - You don't know what you are saying...

 - But, But...

 - Please, just shut up!

 - I made a mistake...

 - Really?!?!

 - I'm sorry...

 - Please, just let me go, and when you see me on the street pass to the other side, when I arrive in a place and if you are there please get out.... I am just asking you to LET ME FREE OF SEE YOUR STUPID FACE ONCE MORE ON MY SHORT LIFE!

Life is too short for people like that!

By:: Thaís Pereira


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